About Us
The Winston-Salem State University Alumni-Atlanta Chapter is a platform for alumni to share their knowledge and to forge a lifelong relationship with their Alma Mater. The Atlanta Chapter makes it possible for Alumni in the Metro Atlanta area to recommit themselves and make efforts to support our great institution.The Atlanta Chapter is committed to:
- Remaining an Established Member of the National Alumni Association
- Strengthening Relations with the University, and Metro Atlanta Communities
- Developing Community Networking and Volunteer opportunities
- Recruiting Georgia Students to Winston-Salem State University
- Raising Funds for Scholarship Program Supporting Georgia Students attending Winston-Salem State University
Bylaws: This committee shall interpret these bylaws, receive, prepare, review and recommend proposed amendments of these bylaws to the Executive Committee and Chapter members.
Events: This committee shall plan and initiate activities for the Chapter to include, but not limited to, Chapter Cookout, Boat Party, Scholarship Banquet Gala, hospitality at CIAA, and hosting the University Choir and Athletics.
Membership: This committee shall formulate plans to recruit and retain members of the Chapter and provide programs and activities which stimulate the Winston-Salem State University alumni to become active participants in the Chapter and National Alumni Association.